Generated Typescript SDK for the moov-io/ach service
Generated Typescript SDK for the moov-io/ach service.
Install in your Node.js or Typescript project using npm:
npm install ach-node-sdk
Using require
const { ACHFilesApi, Configuration } = require('ach-node-sdk');
Using import
import { ACHFilesApi, Configuration } from 'ach-node-sdk';
Build the client instance:
const configuration = new Configuration({ basePath: '' });
const achFilesApi = new ACHFilesApi(configuration);
Call functions on the client:
achFilesApi.getFiles().then(response => console.log(;
=> Promise{ <pending> }
{ files: [], error: null };
See the generated documentation for more detail.
Run the following to build our library locally.
tsc --build tsconfig.json
Run the following for generating the TypeScript client.
make client
Run the following for generating the documentation.
make docs