
Local FTP server

PayGate supports merging and uploading transfers into ACH files using the File Transport Protocol (FTP). You can run an FTP server using Moov’s fsftp Docker image with the command make start-ftp-server. This image is located in moov-io/infra.

Running moov/fsftp can be done with (from PayGate’s testdata/ftp-server/ directory):

$ make start-ftp-server
Using ACH files in testdata/ftp-server for FTP server
2019/04/29 09:07:29 Starting ftp server on
2019/04/29 09:07:29 Username admin, Password 123456
2019/04/29 09:07:29   Go FTP Server listening on 2121

Note: After processing PayGate will delete files in testdata/ftp-server/inbound/ and testdata/ftp-server/returned/. Use git checkout testdata/ftp-server to restore those files.

Local SFTP server

PayGate supports merging and uploading transfers into ACH files using the SSH File Transport Protocol (SFTP). You can run an SFTP server by running the atmoz/sftp Docker image with make start-sftp-server.

Running atmoz/sftp can be done with (from PayGate’s testdata/sftp-server/ directory):

$ make start-sftp-server
Using ACH files in testdata/sftp-server for SFTP server
[/usr/local/bin/create-sftp-user] Parsing user data: "demo:password:::upload"
[/usr/local/bin/create-sftp-user] Directory already exists: /home/demo/upload
Server listening on port 22.
Server listening on :: port 22.

Note: After processing PayGate will delete files in testdata/sftp-server/inbound/ and testdata/sftp-server/returned/. Use git checkout testdata/sftp-server to restore those files.

Running Tests

PayGate has a lot of tests which spin up Docker containers, network calls, and can take a while to run (~30-60s). To skip these tests run go test ./... -short.

Code Coverage

Go offers code coverage reports from testing. You can create one by running go test ./... -coverprofile=cover.out. Then make cover-web uses the Go tooling to display them in your default browser.