
Running PayGate in Production

After you’ve gotten started with PayGate and are ready to deploy it in an environment there are a few considerations you need to make. The first consideration will be to ensure you have an agreement setup with a Financial Institution to act as your Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) where files are uploaded to and processed with the Federal Reserve. After you’re setup with an ODFI there will be some configuration needed along with deployment of PayGate.

PayGate operates as a first-pary ACH originator, which means it assumes you’re operating from the perspective of an ODFI and are debiting or crediting accounts between your FI and another financial institution (FI). If you need to move funds between two FI’s which are not your ODFI Moov’s commercial solution may better fit your needs. You are responsible to ensure all fund transfers comply with United States, state and local laws, relevant financial requirements and any agreements you have entered into. Moov accepts no responsibility for funds that are transfered by other parties using PayGate.

Moov offers commercial support, and hosting with an ODFI to offer payments for your needs. For more information refer to our product documentation for more information.


Prior to running PayGate in a production environment consider how data replication, process monitoring, networking, and general availability factor into your infrastructure. We have makde some explicit decisions around high availability that currently drive PayGate’s archecture, but your data has requirements to consider.

We recommend you run MySQL as the datastore along with running Kafak as the pipeline stream and inbound stream. The ODFI storage ( should be a persistent volume PayGate can rely on for consistent and durable storage.

Bringing your own FI typically requires an Origination agreement with them and brings some Gateway (FileHeader) configuration, SFTP credentials, and audit trail setup. Consult your financial institution for more details. We are available to assist in setting configuration options according to your requirements.


Please consult the entire configuration guide for details on all of PayGate’s options.

The following are suggestions we recommend changing from their default for a production deployment.

  1. database: Deploy and configure a MySQL cluster
  2. odfi
    1. Setup the gateway configuration according to your ODFI’s requirements
    2. Setup cutoffs to accomidate your ODFI’s policies around ACH origination
    3. Setup inboundPath, outboundPath, and returnPath according to your ODFI’s remote server
    4. Setup ftp or sftp credentials with industry standard authentication
  3. transfers
    1. Setup soft and hard limits to review and prevent unexpected large transfers
  4. pipeline
    1. Setup audittrail recording to persist uploaded ACH files
    2. Setup stream.kafka with a replicated Kafka cluster
    3. Setup notifications for your teams and ODFI.
      1. Configure email, pagerduty, and/or slack for each ACH file uploaded
        1. Note: PagerDuty notifications are not supported in v0.8, but will be the later releases
  5. validation
    1. Setup a microDeposits source account to fund micro-deposit account validation
  6. customers
    1. Deploy Moov Customers with a replicated MySQL cluster
    2. Configure strong encryption keys for account number storage and transit operations


We recommend PayGate is deployed with Terraform modules or Helm Charts. To deploy with either make sure that tool is installed to the latest version and you follow the steps below:

Terraform Modules Hosted in our moov-io/infra repository we have a Terraform module for PayGate. Please see the variables for required values.


PayGate emits Prometheus metrics on the admin HTTP server at /metrics. These should be scraped and monitored. See our metrics documentation for more information. We advise you setup alerting (typically with Alertmanager) for your teams.

Pre-Upload Checks

A common architecture when deploying PayGate is to have it upload files to an internal FTP/SFTP server where additional services can process the files prior to their final upload at the ODFI. Typically these are fraud monitoring, ACH/payment analytics, or file transforms outside of what PayGate currently supports.

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