File Options

When submitting files to ACHGateway there may be requirements which break Nacha’s specification for field formats and values. These may be static values your ODFI requires or custom codes/rules that ehnance your product. The moov-io/ach library supports custom validation options and the full set of options is supported by ACHGateway.


Using the Go package in achgateway’s models package each event has a method to set ValidateOpts on the file. This will be carried through the File for use during merge and upload. Submissions should contain the same ValidateOpts to ensure the merged files have the correct overrides.

func (Event) SetValidation(opts *ach.ValidateOpts)


If you encounter the following errors you should verify that events sent to ACHGateway are wrapped properly. Try verifying the output of wrapping pkg/models.Event’s MarshalJSON around your specific events.

nil pubsub message
unhandled message


    "type": "QueueACHFile",
    "event": {
        "fileID": "uuid",
        "shardKey": "uuid",
        "file": {