Command line
On each release there’s an achcli
utility released. This tool can display ACH files in a human-readable format which is easier to read than their plaintext format. It also allows masking DFIAccountNumber
values with the -mask
$ achcli -help
achcli is a tool for displaying Nacha formatted ACH files in a human readable format.
achcli [-mask] [-pretty] [-validate opts.json] path/to/file.ach
achcli -diff first.ach second.ach Show the difference between two ACH files
achcli -mask file.ach Print file details with personally identifiable information partially removed
achcli -reformat=json first.ach Convert an incoming ACH file into another format (options: ach, json)
achcli -validate opts.json file.ach Read an ACH File with the provided ValidateOpts
achcli -version Print the version of achcli (Example: v1.38.0)
achcli 20060102.ach Summarize an ACH file for human readability
Compare two files against each other
Flatten batches in each file
Mask/hide full account numbers and individual names
Mask/hide full account numbers
Mask/Hide Corrected Data in Addenda98 records
Mask/hide full individual names
Merge files before describing
Display all values in their human readable format
Display human readable amounts instead of exact values
-reformat string
Reformat an incoming ACH file to another format
Skip all validation checks
-v Print verbose details about each ACH file
-validate string
Path to config file in json format to enable validation opts
Print moov-io/ach cli version
Install and Usage
$ wget -O achcli && chmod +x achcli
$ achcli test/testdata/ppd-debit.ach
Describing ACH file 'test/testdata/ppd-debit.ach'
Origin OriginName Destination DestinationName FileCreationDate FileCreationTime
121042882 My Bank Name 231380104 Federal Reserve Bank 190624 0000
BatchNumber SECCode ServiceClassCode CompanyName DiscretionaryData Identification EntryDescription DescriptiveDate
1 PPD 225 (Debits Only) Name on Account 121042882 REG.SALARY
TransactionCode RDFIIdentification AccountNumber Amount Name TraceNumber Category
27 (Checking Debit) 23138010 12345678 100000000 Receiver Account Name 121042880000001
ServiceClassCode EntryAddendaCount EntryHash TotalDebits TotalCredits MACCode ODFIIdentification BatchNumber
225 (Debits Only) 1 23138010 100000000 0 12104288 1
BatchCount BlockCount EntryAddendaCount TotalDebitAmount TotalCreditAmount
1 1 1 100000000 0