Configuration settings

Environmental Variable Description Default
DATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL Interval for data redownload and reparse. off disables this refreshing. 12h
INITIAL_DATA_DIRECTORY Directory filepath with initial files to use instead of downloading. Periodic downloads will replace the initial files. Empty
SEARCH_MAX_WORKERS Maximum number of goroutines used for search. 1024
ADJACENT_SIMILARITY_POSITIONS How many nearby words to search for highest max similarly score. 3
EXACT_MATCH_FAVORITISM Extra weighting assigned to exact matches. 0.0
DISABLE_PHONETIC_FILTERING Force scoring search terms against every indexed record. false
LENGTH_DIFFERENCE_CUTOFF_FACTOR Minimum ratio for the length of two matching tokens, before they score is penalised. 0.9
LENGTH_DIFFERENCE_PENALTY_WEIGHT Weight of penalty applied to scores when two matching tokens have different lengths. 0.3
DIFFERENT_LETTER_PENALTY_WEIGHT Weight of penalty applied to scores when two matching tokens begin with different letters. 0.9
UNMATCHED_INDEX_TOKEN_WEIGHT Weight of penalty applied to scores when part of the indexed name isn’t matched. 0.15
JARO_WINKLER_BOOST_THRESHOLD Jaro-Winkler boost threshold. 0.7
JARO_WINKLER_PREFIX_SIZE Jaro-Winkler prefix size. 4
LOG_FORMAT Format for logging lines to be written as. Options: json, plain - Default: plain
BASE_PATH HTTP path to serve API and web UI from. /
HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS Address to bind HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -http.addr. Default: :8084
HTTP_ADMIN_BIND_ADDRESS Address to bind admin HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -admin.addr. Default: :9094
HTTPS_CERT_FILE Filepath containing a certificate (or intermediate chain) to be served by the HTTP server. Requires all traffic be over secure HTTP. Empty
HTTPS_KEY_FILE Filepath of a private key matching the leaf certificate from HTTPS_CERT_FILE. Empty
DISABLE_WEB_UI Skip serving and setup of the web UI. Default: false
WEB_ROOT Directory to serve web UI from. Default: webui/
WEBHOOK_MAX_WORKERS Maximum number of workers processing webhooks. Default: 10
DOWNLOAD_WEBHOOK_URL Optional webhook URL called when data downloads / refreshes occur. Empty
DOWNLOAD_WEBHOOK_AUTH_TOKEN Optional Authorization header included on download webhooks. Empty

List configurations

Environmental Variable Description Default
OFAC_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE HTTP address for downloading raw OFAC files.
DPL_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE HTTP address for downloading the DPL.
EU_CSL_DOWNLOAD_URL Use an alternate URL for downloading EU Consolidated Screening List Subresource of
WITH_OFAC_LIST Download and parse the US OFAC List Default: true
WITH_US_DPL_LIST Download and parse the US Denied Persons List (DPL) Default: true
WITH_US_CSL_SANCTIONS_LIST Download and parse the US Consolidated Screening List Default: true
WITH_EU_SCREENING_LIST Download and parse the EU Consolidated Screening List Default: true
WITH_UK_CSL_SANCTIONS_LIST Download and parse the UK CSL Sanctions List on startup. Default: true
UK_CSL_DOWNLOAD_URL Use an alternate URL for downloading UK Consolidated Screening List Subresource of
UK_SANCTIONS_LIST_URL Use an alternate URL for downloading UK Sanctions List Subresource of
WITH_UK_SANCTIONS_LIST Download and parse the UK Sanctions List on startup. Default: false
US_CSL_DOWNLOAD_URL Use an alternate URL for downloading US Consolidated Screening List Subresource of
KEEP_STOPWORDS Boolean to keep stopwords in names. false
DEBUG_NAME_PIPELINE Boolean to print debug messages for each name (SDN, SSI) processing step. false

Data persistence

By design, Watchman does not persist (save) any data about the search queries or actions created. The only storage occurs in memory of the process and upon restart Watchman will have no files or data saved. Also, no in-memory encryption of the data is performed.