
Watchman supports registering a callback URL (also called a webhook) for notifications on list download and reindexing.

Webhook URLs MUST be secure (https://…) and an Authorization header is sent with an auth token provided when setting up the webhook. Callers should always verify this auth token matches what was originally provided.

When Watchman sends a webhook to your application, the body will contain a JSON representation of the DownloadStats model (described below) as the body to a POST request.

An Authorization header will also be sent with the authToken provided when setting up the watch. Clients should verify this token to ensure authenticated communicated.

Webhook notifications are ran after the OFAC data is successfully refreshed, which is determined by the DATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL environmental variable. WEBHOOK_MAX_WORKERS can be set to control how many goroutines can process webhooks concurrently

Download / Refresh

Watchman can notify when the OFAC, CSL, etc lists are downloaded and re-indexed. The address specified at DOWNLOAD_WEBHOOK_URL will be sent a POST HTTP request with the following body. An Authorization header can be specified with DOWNLOAD_WEBHOOK_AUTH_TOKEN.

    "SDNs": 0,
    "altNames": 0,
    "addresses": 0,

	"deniedPersons": 0,
    "bisEntities": 0,
    "militaryEndUsers": 0,
    "sectoralSanctions": 0,
    "unverifiedCSL": 0,
    "nonProliferationSanctions": 0,
    "foreignSanctionsEvaders": 0,
    "palestinianLegislativeCouncil": 0,
    "CAPTA": 0,
    "ITARDebarred": 0,
    "chineseMilitaryIndustrialComplex": 0,
    "nonSDNMenuBasedSanctions": 0,

    "europeanSanctionsList": 0,
    "ukConsolidatedSanctionsList": 0,
	"ukSanctionsList": 0,

    "errors": [
        "CSL: unexpected error 429"

    "timestamp": "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z"